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An exciting few months

It’s been a while since my last post, and a lot’s happened since then.

I moved to a different city and started a new job. I got thrust into the middle of an NFL playoff race. I covered some of the most intriguing games of the NFL season. I got “dunked on” in the locker room.

And in process of all of that, I’ve had to pick up on a pretty steep learning curve in a fast-paced environment. 

The last few months have been some of the most exciting in my life, and my new job with the Baltimore Ravens has been both thrilling and eye-opening.

And like any transition, it’s a change from what I was accustomed to.

Working for a team, and covering that same team is a much different experience than working for a third-party news outlet. Stepping into that role has been an adjustment, but it’s also exposed me to other parts of the news making and news gathering process, giving me valuable perspective about the industry.

One thing that I’ve learned since starting with the Ravens is that the NFL does an incredible job of making the offseason almost as exciting as the regular season. With the combine, free agency and the upcoming draft, there hasn’t been much of a drop-off in the amount of news coming out of the NFL these days.

With that being said, I’m planning to start posting on here more often, blogging about some of the things we’re doing at the Ravens, as well as various topics in the sports, social media and journalism worlds.

I’m making a renewed effort to contribute to my blog now, knowing that once the actual season starts up again, those posts will once again be fewer and farther between.




Category: Baltimore Ravens, NFL

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